DONALD TRUMP: Daring to Achieve the Impossible

Donald Trump - good pic

by Diane Rufino, June 6, 2016

Mohammed Ali once said: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” Some think that it is impossible to reverse the destructive course our government is on now. For a long time now people have given up, believing that they are railroaded into one party or another, where neither represents their issues or concerns but each works together to entrench a bloated and corrupt government that is more and more out-of-touch with ordinary people. People have become convinced that their voice and their votes are meaningless, except to advance a party interest, and thus, to transfer power to a powerful political elite. Is democracy, for all intents and purposes, dead? The individual voter is NOT the party. He is merely the dupe who, in numbers, makes the party possible. Yet the two-party system is the only available option/mechanism for voters to translate their voice into political power. The mechanism is corrupt and self-serving.

And then Donald Trump enters the race and for once, we hear a candidate who sounds like he really and truly cares about the ACTUAL issues of the decent, hard-working, law-abiding, personally-responsible, family-loving, well-intentioned, country-loving people. I don’t think that he is using the rhetoric as a political ploy, which is the tactic of every other politician. I don’t even think he thought he was going to be taken seriously as a candidate. I think he genuinely threw his two-cents out there just to say the things that no other politician would say for fear of political suicide. The fact that it resonated with so many people just goes to show that the establishment two party system only cares about its issues and its agenda. And the fact that the GOP for so long tried to find schemes to disenfranchise Trump of the nomination goes to show that the party is not the people. The GOP only embraced him in order to remain politically relevant and to avoid becoming irrelevant.

So, back to the original question: Is it IMPOSSIBLE to turn this country around? Is is impossible to break the stronghold that the establishment has had on this country for too long? Is it impossible to restore limits and sanity to government and to restore historical institutions and foundations so that prosperity and morality can once again define America and its people?

Well, “impossible” is a big word but Donald Trump is not a small man. He’s never been one to sit still while something needs to be changed or improved. I believe he will find and explore the power to seek change – the change to make America “America” again and to make her great again. I believe he will be the leader that this periled time requires. I believe he is capable of the Impossible.

1 thought on “DONALD TRUMP: Daring to Achieve the Impossible

  1. Donald Trump has shown nothing but contempt for ordinary people his entire life. Now we are to believe this pompous aristocrat is the last great hope for our democracy? Not just no, but Hell no!

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